My article, "Are You With The Right Person? Some Warning Signs You're Not" has gone viral and is now the most-read article on this site besides the home page! So, I've decided to follow it up with an article outlining the signs that you are with the right person,...
Dating Advice
The Best Stay-At-Home Date Ideas Besides Netflix
Getting out of the house to go on a date is a great thing, but it doesn’t mean that staying at home for a date can’t be fun, and potentially a great way for you and your date to learn about each other. Of course, everyone knows about "Netflix and chill". Here are some...
Are You With the Right Person? Some Warning Signs that You’re Not
I've been in a few relationships where after the initial excitement wore off, I had doubts about how much I was really into the other person. This is a common problem with many friends I've talked to. Breaking up can be so messy and painful that sometimes we just keep...
Ten Everyday Activities That Are Actually Great Date Ideas
These activities can help you learn a lot more about the person you're going out with Here are some activities, many of which you do every day or week, that can be charming date experiences and that can help you learn a lot about the person you're with. I wouldn't do...
How to Dress for Any Kind of Date with Celebrity Stylist Molly Dickson
Molly Dickson is a Los Angeles-area stylist for celebrities like Scarlett Johansson who has some great tips for women on how to dress for three kinds of dates: a daytime date (like going to a museum), an informal evening date like a comedy club, and a formal date like...
How to Turn a Good Date into an Amazing Date
I was having a really great time on a first date. We had a great dinner, then we had gone dancing until midnight. I wasn't sure where things were going from there, when she said “I wonder if there is anything cool going on now?” I hadn't expected that. I...
How to Find the Best Clothes for that Big Date… Even If You Hate Shopping
Your appearance is critical when you're out trying to meet people or on an important date. Having clothes that look good and fit well are key to making a good first impression. If shopping for clothes is not your favorite thing in the world, this list is for you. This...
Fifty Great Date Ice Breaker Questions to Keep the Conversation Going
Sometimes it can be challenging to keep the conversation going on a date. Here's a list of questions that can help. I've been there. You're on a date and the conversation goes quiet and you're desperately trying to think of something to say. So, I brainstormed...